EMT Refresher Final

EMT Refresher Final

The number of attempts remaining is 2

1 / 93

Unlawful physical contact with a patient is called:

2 / 93

Standard precautions are specific steps taken to prevent exposure to:

3 / 93

Body substance isolation (BSI) precautions include:

4 / 93

Which body cavity houses the heart and lungs?

5 / 93

The body maintains ________ in every cell of the body by the regular delivery of oxygen and nutrients and removal of waste products.

6 / 93

The most common cause of cardiac arrest in adults is:

7 / 93

Which of the following is NOT a common indication for oxygen administration?

8 / 93

A patient who will not tolerate oxygen by mask or cannula might benefit from:

9 / 93

Your patient has been thrown from a vehicle during an accident. You need to ensure a patent airway but are concerned that the patient may have a spine injury. Which method do you use?

10 / 93

Firefighters have pulled a woman out of a burning building. She is not burned but she has been exposed to a lot of smoke, which means she is at risk for:

11 / 93

All the information you gather about the patient’s current and previous medical conditions is referred to as the patient’s:

12 / 93

Which of the following would be considered a symptom?

13 / 93

The term ________ refers to actions taken to correct or stabilize a patient’s illness or injury.

14 / 93

Which of the following is characteristic of normal breathing?

15 / 93

An altered mental state can be brought on by any of the following EXCEPT:

16 / 93

Your patient was injured when his airbag deployed during a head-on collision. To begin your assessment, you first:

17 / 93

All unresponsive trauma patients should be assumed to have which of the following?

18 / 93

A patient has swelling and deformity in her right upper thigh after a motor vehicle crash. You are concerned about an injury to which bone?

19 / 93

A patient has bright red blood spurting from a laceration on his leg. This bleeding is best described as:

20 / 93

Common causes of multiple casualty incidents include:

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You are responding to a construction site on a hot day where a person has become dizzy. On your arrival, you find a patient lying on the ground being fanned by his friends. He is sweating heavily. This patient most likely has:

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________ is a method of sorting patients for care and transport based on the severity of their injuries or illnesses.

23 / 93

Common causes of multiple casualty incidents include:

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Unintentional medication errors are common among elderly patients because:

25 / 93

Which of the following is a sign of imminent delivery?

26 / 93

You must save the placenta, all attached membranes, and all soiled sheets and towels so that a physician can examine them to ensure the entire organ and its membranes were expelled from the uterus. If you don’t have a basin or container to collect these items, allow the afterbirth to deliver directly:

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When working on the scene of a call that is located on a highway responding personnel should wear:

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Your patient is bleeding profusely from a wound to her wrist. There are no dressings immediately available. What should you do first?

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The start triage tag color for immediate transport is:

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In addition to your regular scene size-up, with an elderly patient you should check for:

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For older adults, loss of elasticity in the blood vessels can result in:

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An acute respiratory condition found in infants and children and characterized by a barking type of cough is known as:

33 / 93

The components of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle are:

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If the baby is stressed during delivery, she may eliminate fecal material called meconium. If this material mixes with the amniotic fluid, there is a danger that:

35 / 93

The fetus grows inside a special sac called the:

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Paradoxical movement indicates a:

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Which of the following best describes the mediastinum?

38 / 93

When caring for an injury to the face, it is important to watch out for ________ and ensure that nothing is accidentally forced into the patient’s airway.

39 / 93

The central nervous system is made up of:

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Your patient has an open fracture of the ulna. Which of the following is the first thing you should do?

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A patient presents with an angulated upper arm after a gymnastics accident. This patient likely has an injury to which of the following bones?

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Which of the following are components of the musculoskeletal system?

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In your opinion, your geriatric patient’s fall was due to syncope rather than any underlying condition. Which of the following would be the correct treatment?

44 / 93

The term ________ describes the failure of the body’s circulatory system to provide an adequate supply of well-oxygenated blood and nutrients to all vital organs.

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The patient is increasingly anxious and begins to thrash around. What should you do?

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A 4-year-old male has fallen off a play structure at the park. He presents with an abrasion to his right shoulder, which is oozing a small amount of dark blood. This type of bleeding is best classified as:

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You have rescued a 22-year-old man who fell through the ice into a pond. You suspect he is severely hypothermic, therefore you should:

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Body heat is lost by ________ when surrounding warmer air rises and is replaced by cooler air.

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A situation in which the patient exhibits abnormal behavior that is unacceptable or intolerable to the patient, family, or community is considered:

50 / 93

One of the most common complaints to which an Emergency Medical Responder is called is that of ________, in which the patient’s alertness and responsiveness to his or her surroundings is decreased.

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Your patient is in respiratory failure. His breathing is too slow and too shallow, and he is no longer alert. You should:

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People experiencing dyspnea will sit or stand with their hands on their knees, shoulders arched upward, and their head forward. This position is known as the:

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Nitroglycerine is a medication commonly prescribed to patients with angina pectoris. Nitroglycerine helps relieve cardiac chest pain because it:

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Which of the following questions would be MOST helpful when evaluating a patient with chest pain?

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The specific personal protective equipment used to minimize contact with blood and body fluids from a patient is called:

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In the OPQRST secondary assessment tool, the letter S stands for severity, which is measured by the patient on a scale of:

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In the OPQRST secondary assessment tool, the letter P stands for:

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Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) can assess a heart’s rhythm, determine if defibrillation is necessary, and deliver a(n) ________ when needed.

59 / 93

When working with oxygen cylinders, be sure to avoid letting oxygen and oil come into contact with each other. This could cause:

60 / 93

Your patient is unresponsive. To assess his breathing, you listen and feel for signs of breathing to assess whether he has adequate:

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Normal air is approximately ________ oxygen and ________ nitrogen.

62 / 93

The narrative portion of the patient care report is where you tell the story of the patient, the chief complaint, and the care provided up to the point of transfer. Because this section is in narrative format, it is important to:

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All patient information is private and confidential and may not be shared with anyone except the chain of direct patient care. What is the one exception to this rule?

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You are interviewing a 98-year-old female with chest pain. All of the following are strategies for communicating with a geriatric patient EXCEPT:

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The term ________ refers to communication using the movements and attitudes of the body.

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After getting the angina patient downstairs and to the cot, the best position for the patient to be transported to the emergency department is the ________ position.

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To minimize the chance of injury, it is important to avoid ________ when you lift your patient.

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The body process in which an adequate supply of oxygen converts glucose into energy is called:

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Which of the following medical terms is a root word meaning “of the brain”?

70 / 93

Which vaccine is required by OSHA for any employee who has a reasonable risk of being exposed to blood or other infectious materials?

71 / 93

You have a patient who has stopped breathing and has no signs of circulation. You notice a medical alert bracelet indicating the patient is a registered organ donor. This patient will be able to provide ________ consent.

72 / 93

How many nationally recognized levels of EMS training are covered by the National EMS Education Standards?

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You are teaching an EMT class about the role of the EMS response to a terror attack involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD). A student asks you what constitutes a WMD. How would define a WMD?

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A woman strikes her forehead against the dashboard of her car as it strikes a tree. Immediately following the impact, her brain shifts back and forth within her skull. Based on the anatomy and physiology of the skull, which statement is true?

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A patient has been stabbed in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Which solid organ should the EMT be most concerned with being injured?

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A 49-year-old male has summoned EMS because of a problem with his tracheostomy tube. At the patient’s side, you note the tracheostomy tube to be protruding abnormally from the stoma in his neck. Your first action in caring for this patient would be to:

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You are assessing an unresponsive patient who overdosed on a narcotic pain medication. Given the situation, what is the greatest concern regarding potential airway occlusion?

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A patient’s brain cells are undergoing anaerobic metabolism. As a result, those cells:

79 / 93

A new EMT asks you why the elderly are at a higher risk for developing pneumonia, as compared to younger individuals. You inform him that one reason the elderly are more susceptible to respiratory infections because of a(n):

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Pediatric patients are patients who range in age from:

81 / 93

Why is the uterus essential to a healthy pregnancy and childbirth?

82 / 93

When faced with danger, which component of the nervous system is immediately activated for basic survival?

83 / 93

You are treating a patient with active tuberculosis. What will afford you the best protection from the disease while you care for the patient?

84 / 93

While you are assessing a patient with abdominal pain, the patient informs you that he is a chronic carrier of hepatitis B. His skin is not jaundiced, nor does he have a fever. As an EMT, you realize:

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You have moved to another state and wish to work as an EMT. In your previous state of employment, EMTs were allowed to administer a specific set of drugs. To determine whether EMTs can administer drugs in your new state of residence, you should review the:

86 / 93

A patient with diabetes has an elevated blood sugar (545 mg/dL) and, based on your assessment of his condition, will require an injection of insulin. Your EMT partner also has diabetes and administers insulin injections to himself throughout the day as needed. Although the Scope of Practice lists nothing about EMTs giving insulin, your partner administers the insulin injection to the patient. The patient’s blood sugar comes down and her condition improves. Given this information, which statement is true?

87 / 93

While moving a 67-year-old male who complains of dizziness from his residence on the stretcher, you stumble backward and knock a vase from a table, causing it to break. The patient and family are very upset with the damage. In the process, you hurt your ankle and are having a hard time walking. When completing the prehospital care report (PCR), what should be included?

88 / 93

What would be considered an objective patient assessment finding?

89 / 93

An 89-year-old female patient has fallen in her living room and has pain in her left hip. As you approach, you note that she is on her back with her left leg turned inward. When relaying this information to the receiving hospital, how would you describe her position?

90 / 93

A 23-year-old male patient has been shot with a rifle by an assailant standing in front of him. The bullet entered the victim’s chest just above the left nipple and exited his body laterally left of his fourth lumbar vertebrae. Proper documentation of this injury would include:

91 / 93

When transferring a patient from a bed to a wheeled stretcher, an EMT uses proper body mechanics when he or she:

92 / 93

You are returning from a call when you pass an apartment building with flames coming from several windows on the top story. You see several occupants trapped and hanging out of the windows, screaming for help. Which radio transmission is most appropriate when advising dispatch of the situation?

93 / 93

What is a primary purpose of the modern-day EMS system?

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